Princeton University
Computer Science 333
Spring 2024 |
The schedule will change throughout the course. Please check it frequently.
Lecture: Course Overview; The Python Language
Lecture: The Python Language
Use Survey app to express your expertise and interests in course topics
Project: Learn requirements; discuss ideas with course instructors and other students; use ProjectFinder app to find project teammates
Lecture: The Python Language
Lecture: Database Programming
Project: Learn requirements; discuss ideas with course instructors and other students; use ProjectFinder app to find project teammates
Lecture: Database Programming; The Project
Lecture: Network Programming
Assignment 1: Due on Sunday 9/22 at 9:00 PM.
Project: Discuss ideas with course instructors and other students; use ProjectFinder app to find project teammates and to tell others about your project
Lecture: Concurrent Programming
Lecture: Concurrent Programming
Project: Approval meeting with course instructors
(Project: TA advisers mapped to teams)
Lecture: Web programming
Lecture: Server-Side Web Programming
Assignment 2: Due on Sunday 10/6 at 9:00 PM.
Project: Initial Team Directory, Project Overview, Timeline; weekly status meeting
Lecture: Python WSGI Server-Side Web Programming: Deployment
Lecture: Python WSGI Server-Side Web Programmming; Web Application Deployment
Project: Updated Timeline; weekly status meeting; wireframes; meeting with Princeton User Experience Office
Fall recess
Lecture: The JavaScript Language
Lecture: The JavaScript Language
Assignment 3: Due on Sunday 10/27 at 9:00 PM.
Project: Updated Timeline; weekly status meeting
Lecture: Client-Side Web Programming: JavaScript
Lecture: Client-Side Web Programming: JavaScript
Project: Updated Timeline; weekly status meeting; demonstration of prototype
Lecture: Client-Side Web Programming: JavaScript; Client-Side Web Programming: CSS
Lecture: Security Issues in Web Programming
Project: Updated Timeline; weekly status meeting
Lecture: Security Issues in Web Programming
Lecture: Server-Side Options
Assignment 4: Due on Sunday 11/17 at 9:00 PM.
Project: Updated Timeline; weekly status meeting; demonstration of alpha version
Lecture: Client-Side Options
Lecture: Software Engineering
Project: Updated Timeline; weekly status meeting; meeting with Princeton User Experience Office
Thanksgiving recess
Lecture: Software Engineering
Lecture: Course Conclusion
Project: Updated Timeline; weekly status meeting; demonstration of beta version
Reading Period
Project: Updated Timeline, Presentation, Presentation slides, Grader's Guide, Product Eval, Project Eval, source code, application (due on 12/13, the Dean's Date, at 5:00 PM)
This page was written by Robert M. Dondero, Jr.