Assignment 0: Introductory Survey


The purpose of this assignment is to help you learn the basics of the Linux operating system with the Bash shell and the Git version control system. The assignment will also give you an opportunity to explore to develop your preferred computing environment and workflow. Finally, the submitted survey "artifact" from this assignment will inform the course's instructors about your background relevant to the COS 217 course, thereby helping the course staff to (1) confirm that your background is appropriate, and (2) advise you throughout the course.


Make sure you study the course Policies web page before doing this assignment or any of the COS 217 assignments.

The Tasks

Your first task is to configure your computing environment. Once you have done so, the next two tasks can be completed in either order (or even interspersed with each other).

The second task is to start from the code provided in a COS 217 GitHub repository, produce your own new repository with the same contents, and then use the code from your new repository to take the COS 217 survey. Along the way in the second task, you will have to decide on your development workflow for this course.

The third task is to hone your skills in the Bash command line interface and use your new or renewed skills to complete an exercise that uses the Bash shell. Once you have completed all three tasks, you will fill in the appropriate responses in your readme file.

You will submit your survey answers and readme to the COS 217 submission system on armlab and also store them into your cloud repository.


Some portions of this assignment must be completed on the armlab cluster, but others may be completed in any (suitable) environment of your choosing.

Step 1.1: Create a proper baseline armlab computing environment

Create a proper COS 217 computing environment on our armlab cluster by completing steps 2 through 7 in the A Minimal COS 217 Computing Environment document from the first precept.

Step 2.1: Create a proper GitHub setup

Create a proper setup to use Git and GitHub by completing the Setup Steps 1 through 3 from the Git and GitHub Primer document from the first precept. You will need to configure Git on armlab. If you will be developing in an IDE on your own machine, you will also need to configure Git on your own machine and potentially within your IDE.

Step 2.2: Mirror/Import the COS 217 Survey repository and clone your new repository

Note: you should complete this by attentively and assiduously following the precise instructions in Setup Step 5 from the Git and GitHub Primer document from the first precept.

Make and populate a repository for your work in this assignment. It should initially have the contents from our provided COS 217 assignment repository for this assignment ( The files in our repository include a file that describes the repository's contents ( and a C sourcecode file (conductsurvey.c), neither of which needs to be edited. The files also include a readme text file for the assignment (readme), which you will fill out and submit in Steps 3.3 and 3.4

Once you have your own repository for this assignment, get one or more working copies of it: one on armlab (where you will build, test, and ultimately submit your code) and one on each machine where you will be editing your code locally (e.g., your laptop). If you will be developing directly on armlab, you only need one working copy.

For this assignment, you are not required to edit any code, but we encourage you to follow the procedure as though you were, anyway, as part of your acclimation to the computing environment.

Step 2.3: Test options for staging files to armlab

Determine a reasonable mechanism by which you can stage files onto armlab's file system for building, testing, debugging, and submitting. Here is a non-exhaustive list of options:

There are many variants and combinations of these workflows that are viable. We suggest that you take some time to experiment. (It's good practice using the Linux environment anyway!) Give several editing environments and staging workflows a fair shake, and then make a decision that you think you can stick with for the remainder of the course. The easiest way to try this out iteratively is by making successive edits to your readme file, editing comments in the C source code, and adding/removing the survey results or other text files.

Step 2.4: Stage the survey program source code to armlab

Once you have adopted a reasonable method to transfer files onto armlab for building, testing, debugging, and/or submitting, it is time to do that for the Survey program's source code, which consists of a single file: conductsurvey.c.

The conductsurvey.c file contains a program written in the C programming language. We encourage you to read the program, but you are not responsible for understanding it at this point. (It uses some advanced features of C that we'll cover later in the semester.)

Step 2.5: Build and run the survey program

In an armlab shell that has been moved (with the cd command) to the directory containing conductsurvey.c, issue the command:

gcc217 conductsurvey.c -o conductsurvey

to use the conductsurvey.c file (which contains source code) to build the conductsurvey file (which contains executable code). We will discuss the meaning behind this command in detail during the first two weeks of class.

Once your current working directory on armlab contains the resulting conductsurvey executable, issue the command:


to run the conductsurvey program and thus take the survey. Read the instructions carefully and answer all questions.

After you've answered all questions, the conductsurvey program will finish and the Bash shell prompt again will be active. The result will be a file named survey in your working directory.

Step 2.6: Examine the survey results

Make sure that you took the survey properly. To do that, issue this command:


to display the names of all files in your working directory. One of those files should be named survey. Then issue this command:

cat survey

to examine the contents of the survey file. The file should contain your survey responses.

Step 2.7: Save the survey results into your repository

To practice using Git, next make sure the results of the survey are saved back into your remote repository along with the code that administered the survey.

Once the survey file is copied to the right location to be saved into the repository, the following 4 commands will accomplish that. (This is a variant of Use Case 1: Adding Files from the Git and GitHub Primer document from the first precept.)

  1. git add survey
  2. git commit -m "adding the results of the COS 217 survey" (or a similar message)
  3. git push origin main
  4. (for the Git solution only, update the working copy on the development environment to get the update from the cloud that was pushed from the working copy on armlab -- i.e., get back the results so you can see them in your IDE)
    git pull

Step 2.8: Learn about the submission process and submit the Survey Results

From the directory on armlab in which you took the survey, issue a submit command to submit the results of the survey. More specifically, issue this command:

submit 0 survey

to submit the survey results (survey) as part of Assignment 0. This copies that file into the submission directory that instructors maintain for you on armlab for each assignment. The submit command can take multiple files as arguments to copy to your submission directory, e.g., submit X file1 file2, where X is the assignment number.

You can resubmit a file as many times as you would like. For example, if you submit a file named survey to your Assignment 0 submission directory and then later submit another file named survey to your Assignment 0 submission directory, then the new version of survey simply overwrites the old version of survey in your Assignment 0 submission directory, updating the submission time to the time of the most recent submission. The most recently submitted version is the only one that instructors will grade.

When you submit a file, the submit command will also print a summary of your submitted files. The summary lists, for each file: its size (in bytes), the timestamp at which it was submitted, its filename, and its MD5 checksum. You can also get this summary by issuing the submit command with only the assignment number (i.e., with no file arguments).

You can verify that you have submitted the file you intended by comparing the intended file's checksum with the checksum reported by submit. If the MD5 checksums do not match, then the files do not match. (If the checksums do match, it is overwhelmingly likely that the files match.)

For example, on armlab you can use the command md5sum filename, and on a Mac you can use md5 filename. Many editors also have a checksum core feature or plugin.

WARNING: Given this easy check that the files submitted are the ones you have intended, you should assume that laments to the course staff asking to resubmit a corrected version of a file are unlikely to be persuasive.

As an alternative, instead of issuing a submit X file1 file2 command, you can issue a submitandbackup X file1 file2 command to submit those two files for Assignment X. The submitandbackup does the same copy that submit does to your submission directory, but it also creates a directory subordinate to your home directory whose name is of the form BACKUP_X_date_time, and creates a backup copy of the specified file(s) in that directory. If you consistently issue submitandbackup commands, then you'll have a record of which files you submitted, when you submitted those files, and the contents of those files. (This is in addition to the version control that you maintain with Git.)

You can issue unsubmit commands to delete specified files from your submission directory. For example the command unsubmit 0 survey deletes the survey file (which, presumably, you submitted previously) from your Assignment 0 submission directory. The unsubmit program does not affect files in your working directory.

Step 3.1: Get up to speed in the shell

There are innumerable tutorials on the web for becoming a more fluid and comfortable user of the Bash shell's command line interface. Some reasonable examples include: COS 217's video walkthrough from a previous semester: (part 1) and (part 2); Software Carpentry; many interesting selections from O'Reilly's bash Cookbook (available with Princeton login); and the BashGuide. Longer reference texts include Learning the bash Shell (available with Princeton login).

In this step, we strongly suggest that you take a tour through one or several Bash how-tos, primers, tutorials, etc. to (re-)familiarize yourself with working on the command line and perhaps try to demystify commands that you have previously been given to copy verbatim without having to understand what they do. You don't have to be an expert in Bash to succeed in this course, but we don't want Bash facility to be an impediment to your success either.

Step 3.2: Complete a Bash exercise

Create 286 text files that each contain one lower-case letter (a through z) followed by a newline character. When these files are globbed in the default order on armlab, the contents should be 11 copies of the alphabet, one letter per line. For example, assuming that you've named each of your text files with the suffix .txt, then cat *.txt should print a on the first line, b on the second line, ..., z on the twenty-sixth line, a on the twenty-seventh line, and so on.

Clearly you should not do this by hand! You should use your Bash knowledge based on the tools you've learned about in your Step 3.1 investigations, likely combined with a fair bit of trial-and-error and iterative improvements. You may consider using command pipelines, brace expansion, loops, or other Bash features to automate this file creation process.

Hints: Consider iterating over two separate variables: the letter to be written and the count of how many times you've put this letter into a file. Consider how you can name your files with these two variables to get them to glob in the required order.

If you have done this correctly, then the output from the cat *.txt command shown above should have the MD5sum 455bb2644b20e887ac06a7471d5257ff.

Step 3.3: Complete your Assignment 0 readme

For each assignment, you will complete a readme file. It provides a space for feedback to help make the assignment better and help your preceptor know what you might be struggling with. It is also the place to cite your sources and affirm the "This paper represents my own work in accordance with University regulations." statement required by the University. Finally, the readme is also the place where you will answer the technical questions posed by most assignments.

Fill out the identification, feedback, and acknowledgement portions in your working copy of your repository, then complete the assignment-specific question.

For this assignment, you will supply the command(s) you used to generate the files in Step 3.2 and provide evidence of your successful completion of this task by listing the checksum from the combined output of your netid and the files from Step 3.2. The command to generate this checksum would be (again, assuming that your files are named with .txt suffixes and that your files are the only files named in this way in the directory):

(echo `whoami`; cat *.txt) | md5sum

Copy this checksum directly into the readme on the line designated "MD5:", for example:


Step 3.4: Submit your Assignment 0 readme

Issue a submit command to submit your completed readme file:

submit 0 readme

Confirm that both your survey results and your readme have been submitted correctly.

Step 3.5: Continue to play (ongoing)

We encourage you to experiment with your editors/IDEs, your corresponding workflow for getting your code onto armlab for testing and debugging (and submitting!), and practice with how to do common tasks in the Bash shell. A small bit of exploratory play now will set you up to be comfortable and competent with a solution that works for you for the rest of the seemster. Choosing not to do so will only continue to waste your own time over the coming days and weeks with general unfamiliarity and resulting inefficiencies.

You likely want to make a copy of the sourcecode (with, e.g., cp conductsurvey.c experiment.c) to do your exploration and experimentation so that you don't change the behavior of the actual program.


Your Assignment 0 submission is worth very little towards your final grade (1%, whereas each of the other 6 assignments contributes 9%, for a total of 55% of your final grade coming from assignments). However, your Assignment 0 submission is required. The submit command will not accept your submissions for subsequent assignments until you complete Assignment 0. Our rationale is that Assignment 0 ensures you have configured your environment(s) and learned the workflow(s) for completing subsequent assignments.

Your grade on Assignment 0 will be all-or-nothing based on having submitted the two required files on-time with the appropriate content in each of them.

This assignment was written by Christopher Moretti, expanded from prior versions by Iasonas Petras and Robert M. Dondero, Jr.